
Cancellation and Refund

If you cancel your registration up to one month before the start of class, you may choose to receive a full refund or full credit toward another class.*

If you cancel your registration up to two weeks before the start of class, you may choose to receive a 1/3 refund or half credit toward another class.*

If you cancel your registration anytime less than two weeks before the start of class, you will receive a half credit toward another class.*

*Credit (Does not expire) can be used for any camp or class (kids or adult).


MASIA Inc (Marcia Wiley) is sensitive to the private nature of information you provide to us over the Internet. Our Privacy Policy is designed to protect your personal information while at the same time giving you the opportunity to obtain interesting and useful information, register for workshops, and explore our website. Personal information may include your name, phone number, address and e-mail address along with other information by which you can be personally identified. We also collect usage information from you when you visit us. Web site usage information is not identifiable information. It describes how our web site is used and navigated, including the number and frequency of visitors to each web page and the length of their stay. Web site usage information also includes the domain names of browsers that visit our web site, time of day the web site was visited and other non-personally identifiable information. Please contact us at 206-619-8613 if you have any further questions about our privacy policy.